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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

System Software and Machine Architecture

One characteristic in which most system software differs from application software is machine dependency.

System software – support operation and use of computer. Application software - solution to a problem. Assembler translates mnemonic instructions into machine code. The instruction formats, addressing modes etc., are of direct concern in assembler design. Similarly, Compilers must generate machine language code, taking into account such hardware characteristics as the number and type of registers and the machine instructions available. Operating systems are directly concerned with the management of nearly all of the resources of a computing system.

There are aspects of system software that do not directly depend upon the type of computing system, general design and logic of an assembler, general design and logic of a compiler and, code optimization techniques, which are independent of target machines. Likewise, the process of linking together independently assembled subprograms does not usually depend on the computer being used.

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